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What Caused George Washington's Death

Cause Place Presidency order dates 1. After Washingtons death in 1743 at the age of 48 his son George inherited the former Strother property and its slaves. Inside George Washington S Mysterious Death And Agonizing Last Days Since Washingtons death in 1799 medical practitioners have tried to ascertain what killed the former President so quickly. What caused george washington's death . The retired commander-in-chief woke up at 2 am. The disease which modern doctors believe was probably acute bacterial epiglottitis moved with terrible swiftness. Learn the gruesome details of President George Washingtons final hours on the 215th anniversary of his death. As PBS NewsHour reports he woke up with a sore throat on December 13 and he was dead a little more than a day later. Learn the gruesome details of President George Washingtons final hours on the 215th anniversary of his death. Modern medical opinion speculates that Washington died of acute laryngitis Custiss natural fathe