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Dizziness After Surgery

Another study found that eight years after treatment about 1 in 2 patients still had some dizziness symptoms. 45 years experience Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery. Dizziness Wikipedia She contributed hers also to recovering not only from the removal of an organ but general anesthesia. Dizziness after surgery . Hypotension low blood pressure anemia hypoglycemia low blood sugar anxiety disorders or ear infections such as vertigo or labyrinthitis are some of the medical conditions that may cause lightheadedness. I will say having had knee surgery 4 years ago I had the same dizziness for a while after going under general anesthesia from that surgery. It is further possible that extreme rotation of the cervical spine during surgery can lead to microemboli formulation which could lead to obstruction of the blood supply to the inner ear leading to hearing loss. You did well to talk to the GP about it - I am wondering perhaps whether it might be a good idea to try and speak to your