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How To Contact Spirits

All you have to do is ask with a deliberate intention before sleeping or meditating. Spirits may also choose to show themselves through manifesting synchronicities lightly touching you on the arm or shoulder or making a room hotter or colder with their energy. How Mediums Contact Spirits Psychic Development Book Of Shadows Mind Body Spirit Imagine golden energy beams in and around you. How to contact spirits . Imagine the in-breath nourishing all the cells of your body and imagine your body becoming relaxed and worry-free with the out-breath. You identify as emotional. How To Contact Spirits. No matter how a spirit or angel chooses to contact you just remember that any of these signs have a positive connotation. Spirits communicate through the psychic senses. It can be an attempt by the spirit world to get your attention. Really feel their warmth. I love to stress that. You will quickly discover chanting to be a perfect portal to contacting your spirit guides.