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Early Signs Of Ms In Men

Tingling numbness blurred vision weakness in limbs or loss of balance. Signs of MS early on in men include many similar to those felt by women. The Effects Of Multiple Sclerosis On Your Body Multiple sclerosis MS symptoms vary from person to person and can last for days to months without periods of remission. Early signs of ms in men . Learn more about the early signs and later symptoms as the disease progresses. The most common symptoms are fatigue pain bladder and bowel issues spasticity problems with vision cognitive fog and changes in emotion. Early signs of MS can be felt somatically. The MS symptoms in men also include erectile dysfunction. Other early signs of MS include the following. MS basically blocks the messages that flow between the brain and the body often. Early signs include vision. The signs of MS can vary widely. Any of the early signs and symptoms of MS can occur in both men and women and are not specific. Multiple Sclerosis MS symptom