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Can Wifi Give You Cancer

Apple Airports Jabra Elite Sport and Braga Dash Bluetooth headphones were only introduced into the market in 2016. Wi-Fi Dangers Made Worse by Cumulative Effect Wireless routers as well as Bluetooth and similar wireless systems give off electromagnetic radiation in the low-gigahertz frequency. A Radiation Oncologist Says Everything You Need To Hear About Wifi And Cancer Risk Look at the time period over which cellphone use became common -- say over the last twenty years. Can wifi give you cancer . Though the rumors that Bluetooth devices cause cancer spread like wildfire the research is decidedly against that hypothesis. Are wireless signals a health hazard. After evaluating several studies on the possibility of a connection between cellphones and glioma and a noncancerous brain tumor known as acoustic neuroma members of the International Agency for Research on Cancer part of the World Health Organization agreed that theres limited evidence that cellphone radiation is a cancer-caus