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What Does Merry Christmas Mean In Islam

Merry Christmas as pointed out by another simply means be happy on Christmas Day or during this period. Celebrating these holidays is not allowed but exchanging greetings and even gifts with non-Muslims on them out of companionship and manners is. Islamic Cleric Blasts Muslims Who Wish Christians Merry Christmas The Prophet pbuh said Spread Peace to one another Saying Merry Christmas is nothing if not spreading peace. What does merry christmas mean in islam . Even though Muslims do not celebrate Christmas but they do enjoy the festivities holidays and end of season sales ONLY. But even so why is this day especially Merry or joyful. Its forbidden for Muslims to celebrate Christmas and participate in Christmas parties and proceedings. The Puritans passionate avoidance of any practice that was associated with papal Rome caused them to overlook the fact that in many countries the name for the day had nothing to do with the Catholic mass. It seems fitting therefore to wish Musl